
to SIBRA GmbH in Gröbenzell near Munich, Germany.
We appreciate your visit to our Web site.

In its over 35 years of existence SIBRA
has earned a high reputation among well-known German companies and government agencies for its Follow the Link.... Professional Services offerings and proven Management and Technology competency.
We are proud of this success.

In the last years we collected with the Year 2000, Euro, and LE/390 conversions many experiences in the implementation and utilization of supporting tools for the software development and migration processes which we want to introduce and to offer to you:

We possess a long lasting expert knowledge in application and system programming on the mainframe platforms BS2000, MVS, OS/390 and z/OS with programming languages Assembler, Cobol, Fortran, Natural, and PL/I (databases and online systems included).
With our powerful analysis tools for source code and load module libraries we can offer low-cost maintenance and further development of your legacy applications.

Follow the Link.... LMR, the unique Load Module Repository with many interesting, necessary and exclusive information for application development and system administration about all your load module libraries according to the motto
 "The truth only exists in the code that goes into production every night". LMR is also usable as a
 Configuration Management System.
LMR uses as the base analysis tool the Follow the Link.... Edge Portfolio Analyzer EPA of the Edge Information Group which is recommended by IBM in numerous manuals.
A typical LMR search query:
"In which load module libraries are load modules which have linked in a specific Cobol/PLI/Assembler subprogram, that is compiled before 10/07/2004 with the compiler options <cmpopt 1..n>, with AMODE=24 and has set the runtime options <rtopt 1..n>".

SIBRA has over 5 years experience with the
Follow the Link.... Edge Portfolio Analyzer EPA gathered in many LE/390 conversion projects and offers consulting and all kind of professional services around the EPA analysis tool. SIBRA is an official solution partner of the
Follow the Link.... Edge Information Group.  

Follow the Link.... RelMan, the dynamic Release Management, that builds up on the known and well-proved concept of EURO-PROST and C_PROST (see below), which allows a step-by-step adaptation procedure and avoids a program technical Big Bang.

  Follow the Link.... CWB Conversion Workbench, the repository with many migration and conversion functions for all your applications and your JCL that can be implemented in different programming languages and on different system environments. CWB does not let unanswered any question and any analysis and conversion wish of a developer, it finds and tracks also hidden field relations and it offers an up to now not achieved analysis and repository quality.

Both tools support you in every modification, further development and migration of your software, they save considerably time and money, reduce the project risk and increase the quality. They impressively proved this already at the Year 2000 and Euro conversions.

For CWB and RelMan we offer to you use licenses and with CWB also complete source code analyses as professional service. You say us, which changes and extensions you plan and we tell you the expenditure and the program objects with the affected statements which you must check and possibly change. We also can perform for you complete LE/390, programming language, database and system platform migrations with project management.

1997 marked the opening of SIBRA's Products Division
with the introduction of Follow the Link.... EURO-PROST.

provides a viable concept, a market-proven set of solution components, and a full range of EURO currency conversion routines to allow for a timely, controlled, and step-wise adaptation of existing and/or new software application environments to EURO conversion functionality, needs, and requirements. Originally developed in cooperation with the Bayerische Landesbank München, EURO-PROST by now has been deployed at leading multinational Follow the Link.... customer sites, including banking institutions, insurance companies, automobile & transportation corporations, telecommunication & retail organizations.

We would be pleased
to have you Follow the Link.... contact us for further information on CWB, RelMan, EURO-PROST and EURO-Calculator
We also accept inquiries
from international distributors for Follow the Link.... EURO-PROST and the SIBRA Desktop Follow the Link.... EURO-Calculator.

Thank you very much for your interest in SIBRA.

Eberhard Ramm, President and CEO
Eberhard Ramm, President & CEO

Our Products:

Follow the Link.... LMR Load Module Repository and EPA

Follow the Link.... RelMan
Dynamic Release Management

Follow the Link.... EURO-PROST

Follow the Link.... EURO-Calculator

Follow the Link.... CWB 
Conversion Workbench


  Documents for Download:

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SIBRA Company Presentation

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SIBRA Tools and Professional Services

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