
EURO-Calculator Pro and World Characteristics & Feature Set

EURO-Calculator World
with the focal point to non-EMU currencies
EURO-Calculator Professional
with the focal point to participating EMU currencies

Available for
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
operating system plattforms.

Downloadable for personal use and free of charge from the Internet through authorized
Distribution Partners.

Fully licenced
Professional Edition
available from SIBRA GmbH for as low as 10 €.

Meets the EURO currency requirement criteria of EC document No. 1103/97.

Fully implements the official conversion, rounding, triangulation, and display rules defined by the European Commission.

Has successfully passed
Deutsche Bundesbank's
full suite of regression and acceptance tests for EURO currency conversions.

EURO-Calculator's Compute Engine is based on
highly successfull
Currency Converter and Toolset Environment in use at leading multi-national
customer sites.

Converts participating EMU currencies using
official exchange rates
set by the European Commission as of January 1, 1999.

Converts to/from non-participating, foreign exchange currencies, using current exchange rates fed through
online updates.

Allows for "single click" conversion to multiple currencies.

Supports online and offline mode operation.

Offers instant online currency exchange rate update.

Provides for optional introduction of additional currencies at user's choice.

Supports "Freeze Mode" currency values at user's choice to statically freeze currency conversion values among selected currencies.

Performs basic computational operations +, -, *, and /.

Supports Memory storage and display functions.

Supports Cut & Paste operations to clipboard and third party applications.

Can be operated using mouse, keyboard and numeric keypad.

Functionality, shape, color of EURO-Calculator is subject to change and enhencements.
Actual product deliveries of EURO-Calculator may differ due to Distribution Partners' customization offerings.
Above image represents actual appearance of sample, customized EURO-Calculator product delivery.